10 Tips on Writing Advertising Content from David Ogilvy

“Father of Advertising” David Ogilvy had a lot of iconic marketing campaigns. Click here to read the article or scroll on to just read the 10 tips.



1. Read the Roman-Raphaelson book on writing. Read it three times.

2. Write the way you talk. Naturally.

3. Use short words, short sentences and short paragraphs.

4. Never use jargon words like reconceptualize,demassification, attitudinally, judgmentally. They are hallmarks of pretense.

5. Never write more than two pages on any subject.

6. Check your quotations.

7. Never send a letter or a memo on the day you write it. Read it aloud the next morning — and then edit it.

8. If it is something important, get a colleague to improve it.

9. Before you send your letter or your memo, make sure it is crystal clear what you want the recipient to do.

10. If you want ACTION, don’t write. Go and tell the guy what you want.



David Ogilvy on Creation & Promotion



In the weekly issues of TIME Magazine, there is an interesting fact that is bothersome. 

There are 4 types of issues released, US, Europe, Asia and South Pacific. Here are some examples of how the US version can be a little bit different than the other three. Take a look.

During Egypt’s revolution, TIME shows chooses this picture as a cover and then for the American cover, information on anxiety seems to be more important.


This is not a single occurrence. Here are some other examples:


Though I am glad to learn that the content is the same but it still brings up a lot of questions. Do American’s need their covers dumbed down to sell? Or do we really care so little about what’s going on outside our borders?



Fitness Information.

It’s beginning to be that season again when the gym fills up with people who have new years resolutions. Here are some tips for people getting back into it that can help your routine!

Many people think that it’s all about hitting the gym. But most people knowledgeable in fitness know that it’s not just about lifting weights but diet and sleep.

So don’t fret over a missed day at the gym. It’s important to have a balance. Work hard and focus when you’re there. But remember to relax also.

Weightlifting isn’t just for men. Gaining muscle like this as a women is very challenging and takes a lot of effort. Some women think that lifting will make them bulk up in reality it mostly just tones muscles. Weight training is beneficial for woman to help strengthen bones and prevent osteoporosis, especially those over 40.

Yes. Cold water technically burn more calories. No. It won’t flatten your stomach into a 6-pack. But studies do show it helps with energy production, digestion, hunger cravings and recovery. So drink up! Not sure how much to drink? Medical experts say to simply drink enough water so that your urine is clear.

Everyone knows it. We all ignore it. Proper form is crucial, which also means lowering the weight and being in control. While it looks and feels great to throw around heavy weights, you may also be cheating yourself out of gains/progress.

We truly are unique in so many ways. While it ca be good to take note of what others do to achieve their goals, always remember that your body will respond to it’s own stimuli. So don’t think you need to be bench pressing 305lbs to get a barrel chest. Start slow and work smarter, not harder.

Good luck and happy fitness!

Easy steps to conserve water

Water conservation has become important in all regions, even rainy one’s such as my home in Seattle. Water is not an unlimited resource and everyone uses a lot of water per day. There are a few really easy tricks that won’t be difficult to work into your daily life. By doing all of these you could save literally hundreds of gallons per week. This can decrease your utility bill and make you feel good for caring for the environment. Give them a shot.



  • If you use a low-flow shower head, you can save 15 gallons of water during a 10-minute shower
  • Every time you shave minutes off your use of hot water, you also save energy and keep dollars in your pocket
  • It takes about 70 gallons of water to fill a bathtub, so showers are generally the more water-efficient way to bathe.
  • Nearly 22% of indoor home water use comes from doing laundry. Save water by making sure to adjust the settings on your machine to the proper load size.
  • Energy Star dishwashers use about 4 gallons of water per load, and even standard machines use only about 6 gallons. Hand washing generally uses about 20 gallons of water each time.
  • Fix those leaky faucets. A small drip from a worn faucet washer can waste 20 gallons of water per day. Larger leaks can waste hundreds of gallons.
  • Turn off the water after you wet your toothbrush. There is no need to keep the water running while brushing your teeth. Just wet your brush and fill a glass for mouth rinsing.
  • Keep a jug of water in the fridge, that way you don’t have to run the tap for the water to get cold.
  • Collect the water when waiting for it to warm up before your shower then use it to water your plants.


Want to learn more?

Click here


New kind of pancake!

Perfect for those Sunday mornings when you are feeling a bid decisive. I haven’t tried this recipe but will this weekend for sure.


Prep time 25 minutes, cook time 10

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter, just melted (not boiling)
1/4 cup + 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar
1/2 tablespoon ground cinnamon

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick) unsalted butter
2-ounces cream cheese, at room temperature
3/4 cup powdered sugar
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract

1 cup all-purpose flour
2 teaspoons baking powder
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 cup milk
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 tablespoon canola or vegetable oil


Prepare the cinnamon filling: In a medium bowl, stir together the butter, brown sugar and cinnamon. Scoop the filling into a quart-sized heavy zip baggie and set it aside (see *Tips below).

Prepare the glaze: In a small pan, heat the butter over low heat until melted. Turn off the heat and whisk in the cream cheese until it is almost smooth. Sift the powdered sugar into the pan, stir and add in vanilla extract. Set the pan aside while you make the pancakes.

Prepare the pancake batter: In a medium bowl, whisk together the flour, baking powder and salt. Whisk in the milk, egg and oil, just until the batter is moistened (a few small lumps are fine).

Cook the pancakes: Heat a large, nonstick skillet over medium-heat and spray with nonstick spray. Use an ice cream scoop (or 1/3 cup measuring cup) to add the batter to the pan. Use the bottom of the scoop or cup to spread the batter into a circle (about 4-inches in diameter). Reduce the heat to medium low. Snip the corner of your baggie of cinnamon filling and squeeze the filling into the open corner. When your pancake begins to form bubbles, add the filling. Starting at the center of the pancake, squeeze the filling on top of the pancake batter in a swirl (just as you see in a regular cinnamon roll). Cook the pancake 2 to 3 minutes, or until the bubbles begin popping on top of the pancake and it’s golden brown on the bottom. Slide a thin, wide metal spatula underneath the pancake and gently but quickly flip it over. Cook an additional 2 to 3 minutes, until the other side is golden as well. When you flip the pancake onto a plate, you will see that the cinnamon filling has created a crater-swirl of cinnamon. Wipe out the pan with a paper towel, and repeat with the remaining pancake batter and cinnamon filling. Re-warm the glaze briefly, if needed. Serve pancakes topped with a drizzle of glaze.


*Quick and easy tip: Use a boxed pancake mix as the base for this recipe.
*Tips for the cinnamon filling: Before swirling, open up the baggie again and give it a good stir to re-incorporate any butter that may have separated from the sugar. You want the mixture to thicken a bit- it’s best when it’s similar to the squeezing texture of a tube of toothpaste, which will happen if you leave it at room temperature for several minutes. Don’t try to use the filling for the pancake swirl unless it has thickened as it will be too runny to make a solid swirl.

*Keep the heat low or your pancakes might cook up too quickly. Don’t flip them until you see those bubbles starting to pop on top. Flip them with a wide spatula so you can grasp the whole thing without batter and filling dripping all over the place!


Cinnamon Roll Pancakes




Easy Face Masks

After some reading, I’ve found that there are three types of skin. Oily, dry and combination.They can all be hard to deal with because everyone wants nice skin.


As a broke college student, I can’t afford all kinds of different ointments and lotion. Instead, I look in my kitchen. Here are a couple I’ve tried that are used from ingredients that you most likely have at home.

For dry skin, try about three table spoons of honey and one beaten egg yolk. Mix it all up, (don’t forget to fasten your hair back), then apply evenly with your fingers. Leave it on for about 10 minutes then remove with a wet towel.


For dry skin, separate egg whites and get rid of the yolk. Or give it to your dry skinned friend 😀

Beat the egg whites and add three drops of lemon. This one is more of a peel. It works well and draws oil from the skin without drying it out too much. Plus it’s just as effective as other face masks compared to how cheap it is. 


First four women in history complete marine infantry training.

The four started out as 15 as the first to volunteer for a Marine Corps Pilot course. 

An announcement made in January by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey was that there would be integration of women into combat jobs that used to only allow men. This decision covers all service branches.

These women had to keep up with the men during training and were able to do so.

For now, they won’t be assigned to a unit, but go back to a non-combative unit.

More women will be put through training like this in the next year and others are close to completing. It’s a very exciting story for women in general and a big step for the military.

The women who want to join the ranks of the men will have to fight hard for their place. It will be exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally but it will be a good change for the country.

Here is a photo of the four women and a link below to read more.



“Smell this. Is it still good to eat?”

Moving out on my own has been quite the experience. Shopping for food is quite the learning process. I either buy way too much food for the week or not even close to enough. I am finding that I really don’t know much about food and how much it lasts. I am always smelling things to see if it’s still ‘good.’

I found this diagram that seems helpful and that I plan on using in the future to help me out.


Funny Halloween Pictures

I love the internet because of all the fun things people do that gets recorded and shared. Here are some of my findings that go in theme with Halloween coming up. 

A very serious operation. They make a good team.


Daughter wanted to be a trash can for Halloween. She will be going places! Maybe not college but places.


If you can dodge a wrench you can dodge a ball!


It took me a couple times before I fully understood what was going on here.


This is all made from pumpkins. Spooky!


90’s kid favorite from the show Hey Arnold!


Pulp fiction dogs!