Easy Face Masks

After some reading, I’ve found that there are three types of skin. Oily, dry and combination.They can all be hard to deal with because everyone wants nice skin.


As a broke college student, I can’t afford all kinds of different ointments and lotion. Instead, I look in my kitchen. Here are a couple I’ve tried that are used from ingredients that you most likely have at home.

For dry skin, try about three table spoons of honey and one beaten egg yolk. Mix it all up, (don’t forget to fasten your hair back), then apply evenly with your fingers. Leave it on for about 10 minutes then remove with a wet towel.


For dry skin, separate egg whites and get rid of the yolk. Or give it to your dry skinned friend 😀

Beat the egg whites and add three drops of lemon. This one is more of a peel. It works well and draws oil from the skin without drying it out too much. Plus it’s just as effective as other face masks compared to how cheap it is. 


First four women in history complete marine infantry training.

The four started out as 15 as the first to volunteer for a Marine Corps Pilot course. 

An announcement made in January by Defense Secretary Leon Panetta and General Martin Dempsey was that there would be integration of women into combat jobs that used to only allow men. This decision covers all service branches.

These women had to keep up with the men during training and were able to do so.

For now, they won’t be assigned to a unit, but go back to a non-combative unit.

More women will be put through training like this in the next year and others are close to completing. It’s a very exciting story for women in general and a big step for the military.

The women who want to join the ranks of the men will have to fight hard for their place. It will be exhausting physically, mentally and emotionally but it will be a good change for the country.

Here is a photo of the four women and a link below to read more.

