This guy is having the worst date ever

Found these pictures and they kind of got me thinking how different dating is now with all the different technology and really just change of culture. Everything is completely different now. Not that I was dating in the 50’s and 60’s but if I time traveled I wouldn’t know where to start.

More like he won’t text you ever again.

How embarrassing would it be to have your stockings fall down on your date? Garters are key.

If a man today offered me a handkerchief, I’d assume he was way too old for me.

Thank goodness I saw this. I always sit in awkward positions on hot dates.

Now if only I could find a man that knew how to dance…

I am pretty sure I am still single because I always forget to iron my stockings.

If this happens to you, I have a feeling he’s really just not that into you.

These days, just hope he picks up the tab.

Very true. Unless your date is boring. And pouty.  Just completely ignore him then.

He must have been a really boring date.

All these tips aside, on dates it’s best to just be yourself.

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